Monday, October 20, 2008
ARCH1142 Reflection
Lowlights and the greatest challenge, would have been the pressure of time constraints, which i felt especially in the Atlas of Colour workshop as the cohesive presentation & navigational system (a huge aspect of the course) had to be left to the final week when all exercises had been completed. I have always been proud of my time management skills and desire to perfect what i do, so it was quite frustrating to have to present without being 100% satisfied with my final work.
I will definately carry on in further years, the skill of a sophisticated approach to composition, correct use of white space and successful sequencing. I also desire to change my rigid approach to art - sticking only to the techniques and mediums i am confident with - to instead embrace all approaches and methods. This course has taught me a range of ways to capture 3D space on 2D mediums, where i need to keep an open attitude so as to further my learning.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
ARCH1142 Fluid Thoughts
At first i made the mistake of using pencil - sorry!!! But from week 2 i switched to charcoal.
This was one of my favourite sketches, because although simple, it really explores light and shadow during the day in a subtle, beautiful manner.
Another one of my favourites! I like the scratchy/grainy texture i managed to achieve with the charcoal (a first!) and how the scattered shoes add a human quality to the again a subtle manner.
Charcoal is quite amazing for the various shades of grey and extreme black it can achieve! I think this tonal exploration is quite evident in this sketch.
I like the dramatic contrast between the untouched white paper and grey/black shadows.
I was quite surprised and happy with how i achieved such opacity/transparency/reflection with the media here! A celebration of the qualities of light :)
Final Drawing Presentation
It was difficult at first to break the mindset of subtracting some of the drawing we had done, but i realised this experimental, unrestricted attitude to drawing was neccessary for one to embrace all possibilities in capturing space and sensations of movement.