I actually came up with two designs! I' have uploaded both, although i favour the second design more.

The single baluster purposely branches out from the treads so that the walking figure must stretch to reach it - this enhances their feeling of separation and vulnerability, as they journey alone.
To create the sensation of strength and sturday weight, i plan to use the material of stone and have steps appear to 'locl' together. It is overall a simple yet majestic design, as i believe anything too decorative will distract from the sheer size of the treads and the 'journey' sensation, as people venture deeper into the underground.
I believe 'rustic' bears connotations of antiquity and deterioration. This is conveyed in the stair through the transformation in size and materials, as one progresses up the stairs. It begins with heavy stone, but half way through, glass becomes integrated with the stone balusters until it is entirely glass and transparent. The treads also change from entirely stone to glass, thus creating a sense of fragility and fading presence as it deteriorates.
I believe the concept of 'waiting' is extremely difficult to convey with stairs, as they obviously imply movement. However i have finally come up with this 'waiting room' scenario, where treads are wall-length and resemble seats, wrapping around the walls. Then light stairs hung by steel cords (to create the sensation of being frozen in the air) take the figure down to the next floor, where they are again presented with a static, waiting room scenario.

For the soon-to-be-constructed-in-3D buildings:


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